Numerous individuals encounter challenges related to excess fat around the neck, commonly referred to as a double chin. Kybella offers a non-surgical injectable solution specifically designed to effectively address this concern. As the sole FDA-approved injectable treatment targeting persistent double chins, Kybella stands out for its efficacy in treating this particular area.

Delayna Denaye Aesthetics specializes in Kybella treatments for men and women of all ages. To schedule a consultation and learn more about Kybella and how it can improve your look, reach out to our injectable cosmetics spa in Centennial, CO or book online today.


Kybella works by harnessing the power of synthetic deoxycholic acid, a molecule that naturally occurs in the body and aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When skillfully injected into the targeted area under the chin, Kybella works to systematically destroy fat cells. These fat cells are responsible for the appearance of a double chin, and Kybella effectively disrupts their structure, causing them to break down and be metabolized by the body over time. As the fat cells are eliminated, the treated area gradually undergoes a visible transformation, resulting in a more sculpted and contoured jawline.

The treatment is administered in a series of sessions, allowing for a gradual and natural-looking improvement. The precision of Kybella injections ensures that only the specific fat cells contributing to the double chin are targeted, leaving surrounding tissues unharmed. Over the weeks following each session, patients experience a reduction in fullness under the chin as the body naturally processes and eliminates the treated fat cells. Kybella offers a non-invasive alternative to surgical procedures, providing individuals with the opportunity to enhance their profile and redefine facial contours without significant downtime.